A Doug's Life.
Stuff that wags my tail, makes me growl and everything in between.



March 27th 2006 - Alaska Volcano Cam

Augustine Island in Alaska has got a wicked volcano brewing.  Its easy to keep up with the latest on this cool website that has a few different volcano web-cams set up:


Happy Birthday:
Birthday wishes to my friends Drew and Scottie who celebrate birthdays this week.  Don't worry boys, I'm right behind you

Also, my Grandpa Bill is turning 90 this week which is just awesome.  I spoke to him and said he wants to live as long has his mother.  She was 94.  Anyone got any extra candles?

More Bike Pictures:
Thanks to Kathy who emailed a few more shots of our time at the LA Marathon Bike Tour.

March 23rd 2006 - Picture This

I'm finally able to post some pictures from My Snowy Day in LA as well as from the LA Marathon Bike Tour.  However, as you'll soon discover, pictures off the cell phone camera don't come out that great.     Snow Pictures Here.

 Bike News:




The LA Marathon was this past Sunday, and included are other events that precede the race.  At 5:45 AM in the cold and dark, 15 thousand cyclists gather on Exposition Blvd  (near USC) waiting for the "LA Marathon Bike Tour"  to begin. Through all types of Los Angeles neighborhoods, the ride takes you on most of the marathon course.  No cars, no stopping at intersections, this was a fun time biking with my friends Beth and Kathy.  

March 16th 2006 - Got Shredder?

Ok - this pre-approved credit card application scheme from the credit card companies has always ticked me off.  Of all the pre-approved applications I get,  I wonder how many never made it to my mail box,  and got into the wrong hands.  They're so obvious to spot amongst the other junk mail and mail-order catalogs.

Anyway - you're supposed to rip them up so they can't be used against you by identity thieves.  Well guess what...  This guy ripped up his application, taped it back together, sent it in and got a credit card anyway!


Bob Sullivan, once again has written a great story about this on his Red Tape MSNBC website:


March 14th 2006 - The Final Week of Winter

Here's a good site for all you Pale Male fans (see my entry March 10th 2006). It's got lots of great images covering all the generations of hawks that Pale Male has fathered. http://www.palemale.org/ 

Other Stuff:
I don't have a physical memory of the last time I had chocolate milk. It's been many many years.  As a kid, I do remember that there was only one way to drink a chilled 1/2 pint carton, and that was to finish it off in one session of gulping insanity. Once the sweet, thick brown nectar started crossing your tongue, it was impossible to pull the carton away from my lips.  Even after it was gone, there was always a bit of denial while I tipped my head back, holding the carton completely upside down in a last ditch effort to get every last drip.  The stuff is dangerously good.

I guess I wasn't the only one so smitten. Check out this LA Times article on the benefits of Chocolate Milk: http://www.latimes.com/features/health/la-he-choco13mar13,0,5094651.story?coll=la-home-health

March 12th 2006 - Craig's List Rules, eBay Drools

I enjoyed this investigative piece on eBay from Bob Sullivan (MSNBC) especially the comments section at the bottom. http://redtape.msnbc.com/2006/03/ebays_clever_fe.html

I'm a Craig's List fan - all the way.  It's local, it's fast, it's free and still has an organic feel about it.  But even so, Craig's List is very big behind the scenes and has attracted the attention of big old eBay - and now eBay owns a significant percentage of Craig's List.  Ok, forget about that organic part:

Links: www.craigslist.com | www.ebay.com

ps- Happy Birthday Dad!

March 11th 2006 - My Snowy Day in LA

A cold storm came through today. The temps dropped to just above freezing. Then came the hail, then snow then ZIP-BLAMM! A bright flash then the power went out.  This is a perfect example of something that makes me growl. The power grid serving the few streets around my neighborhood is so flakey. Every rain storm, wind storm, mud slide, the power decides to call in sick. The rest of the town is always fine.

So, after an hour of sitting in a dark house, mesmerized by a freak snow storm in Southern California, I decided to go out and enjoy it. I took a hike up to the ridge above my neighborhood, took in the view of the local mountains (and myself) getting pummeled by hail and snow. I powered up my cell phone and called some friends in Sacramento and proudly informed them of our neat little white out. It turned out to be a nice afternoon, despite the fact that the power was still off when I got back.

I then went and purchased a generator.  Ok you 'piece of crap' power grid, I'm ready for you now! Of course, the power was back on after I returned from the home center. Doh!


March 10th 2006 - Red-Tailed Signs of Spring

Remember Pale Male? This famous red-tail hawk from Central Park in New York City made a giant nest on a 5th Ave building cornice way back in 1993.  The nest has been use by Pale Male for over a decade.

Today's New York Times is reporting that he and is latest mate Lola have returned to the nest and the young'ins are on their way: http://www.nytimes.com/2006/03/10/nyregion/10hawk.html 

This story has always had a particular interest to me, since last spring a red-tail hawk couple built a very large nest in the pine tree behind my house, had a clutch of babies and nurtured them to independence. I was inspired by the process, especially since the nest is in view, and could watch them at my leisure.

Mr. and Mrs. Hawk have returned this year and have been busy readying the nest for their next 'clutch'.  Since they mate for life, I'm excited to have them returning each season.

March 9th 2006 - Hello World

A Doug's Life is launched, much to the disinterest of web surfers across the globe.  Another Blog? Oh great, just what the internet needs. But I'm hoping that at lease some of you will be interested.

Here you'll find stuff that I come across via the web or otherwise that catches my interest and figure it might wag your tail (or make you growl) too. 

Not much content yet, but I'll try to keep adding stuff as I can. I'm sure it will turn into an uncontrollable beast that will try to eat it's owner.  Yikes, I better be careful.

Oh yeah, before you start emailing me about why I named this site A Doug's Life, I'll cut you off by letting you know that it's a play on words from a 1918 silent movie directed by Charlie Chaplin named A Dog's Life.  I like word play and thought it sounded catchy. Not that silent movies or Charlie Chaplin really "wag my tail"...

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